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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Germs - 1 ; Maisie - 0

My poor baby girl has contracted her first cold - grrrrr! And let me tell you a sick baby is just as unpleasant as I remember it being! Hunter got his first cold when he was just 2 months old - and sadly I must admit that he caught said cold from his own mother - I didn't win "Mother of the Year" that year either! So although Maisie has made it 5 more months than he did being germ free those 5 months are no consolation prize when it comes to the crabbiness involved with not feeling well! A friend of mine and her family were in Galveston over the weekend so Maisie and I went down on Friday and stayed - this friend is a health inspector yet she always makes fun of me for being the germ-a-phobe that I am. I foolishly let my guard down and wasn't my usual OCD self about sanitizing yourself before coming in contact with the Princess or her things - look what it got me! There is a reason for my madness in the area of germ warfare! I had taken some of her toys down with us and a blanket for her to sit on the floor to play with them on - I was very carefree, or in hindsight very stupid given her current state, and wasn't neurotic about her toys touching that nasty, germ infested hotel carpet - normally if one of her toys were to have so much as touched a square inch of the carpet I would have jerked it off the floor and promptly sprayed it down with Clorox Anywhere Spray! Teach me to let my guard down! Last night was quite unpleasant - when I went to put her to bed all she did was scream when I laid her down - completely out of character for her - typically you lie her down and she is comatose within 35 seconds never making a peep. After she finally fell asleep I was up 3 different times with her before she fell back asleep at 5:00 this morning in the swing. We were supposed to go to lunch with a friend today, but I have cancelled that - figure since she is so crabby the last thing she wants to be subjected to is being strapped into the car seat. Hopefully tonight will be a better one, but I know that is not likely - it is going to get worse before it gets better. My poor little mouse - I am definitely back on OCD germ patrol - no more lax sanitary practices in my world!

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