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Sunday, December 28, 2008

Here Comes the Bride!

We got some VERY exciting news on Christmas Eve ~ we have once again managed to marry off my sister! My dad is happier than a pig in shit and my mom says she just wishes that she could have been this happy about the upcoming nuptials the first time around! My original brother-in-law was a real ass and nobody but the bride was happy about that wedding! I guess since Wilson (my soon to be brother-in-law) is going to make an honest woman out of her I will stop referring to him as her "sugar daddy". We are all very excited for her as he is a really nice guy and will make a lovely addition to our dysfunctional little family! Hell, if the trip to Disney World with us didn't scare him off he must be in it for the long haul! No date has been set ~ my brother and I are trying to convince her that this should be a "destination" wedding ~ a lovely Caribbean destination that is! I have personally selected the FDR Pebbles in Jamaica mon ~ you get your very own vacation nanny along with your room ~ how cool is that! Now of course if it was just Maisie I would never in a million years leave her with a stranger, but figuring that Hunter can advise me of all of the ongoings that certainly helps to calm the fears! I don't know that out "wishes" for this blissful occasion will be granted however ~ my first tip off is that Lee informed us that she doesn't need a "village of idiots" to plan this for her! My only request is anywhere but Vegas! Congratulations Lee and Wilson!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Only Lee would call you fine folks a "village of idiots". What is that saying about taking one to know one? Srsly, that is fabulous news. I am very happy for her!