Last night we FINALLY had to drop Maisie's mattress down from the highest point! Now you may be saying to yourself "my god that kid is almost a year old and they are JUST NOW dropping the mattress?" ~ it's not that we are bad parents and have been letting her teeter on the edge of falling out of the crib or anything like that, it's that there has not been any danger of her falling out of the crib until now. I have said it before and I say it again ~ Maisie is LAZY! She just figured out yesterday how to roll completely over from her back to stomach ~ developmentally there is absolutely nothing wrong with this kid, she just HATES to be on her stomach ~ at least she hated to be on her stomach until yesterday! She has rolled from side to side for quite sometime, just never all the way over, and when you go to put her down for a nap or to bed she just rolls onto her side and slips into a coma immediately ~ no screwing around for her (I so deserved her!). When I went in to get her from her morning nap she was in there on her stomach just hanging out and playing ~ I was a little surprised to see her doing that, to say the least, and then as I vacuumed her room while she was still captive in the crib she proceeded to get up on her knees and then onto her butt ~ again something she has never done before as she is never on her stomach to need to get to her butt ~ she's always just put on her butt. Now that she has figured out this new trick to add to her repertoire the mattress had to go down since she could theoretically topple right over the top at this point!
She doesn't crawl either ~ not to say that she isn't mobile, she just doesn't do the "traditional" crawling, instead she scoots everywhere sitting straight up on her butt. She has been doing that for probably 3 months now ~ and is amazingly quick at it let me add ~ I had thought that she would get tired of that and figure out how to get on her knees and go ~ wrong She knows perfectly well how to get on her knees but she never goes anywhere ~ instead she plops herself back on her butt and off she goes again ~ needless to say the butt of her pants is ALWAYS filthy! It doesn't matter if I have just vacuumed and mopped the floors ~ with 3 dogs and all hard surface flooring there is no such thing as a "clean" floor. So I guess she will never traditionally crawl and will continue to scoot to her destination until the day she stands up and walks off on her two tiny little feet ~ she gets everywhere she wants to go doing exactly what she's doing! Just as soon as I can find the battery charger for my camera ~ it's still MIA since our return from Disney ~ I will video her doing her scooting maneuver and post it.